Roberta Robbins
Roberta Robbins

Time & Location
Jul 31, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:20 p.m. EDT
Online Zoom Call
About the event
The Sacred Wheel of the Year turns once more....and we arrive at the first harvest of the year in the season of Lunasa, also known as Lughnasadh & Lammas.
We commonly celebrate this season sunset of the July 31st to sundown on August 1st. Though this is a cross-quarter fire festival, some also honour it on that particular day as well, which the mid point of Summer Solstice to Autumn Equinox.
On this Lunasa Portal Journey Call, I will share some of the themes and magic weaving of this time of the sacred wheel, along with us harness the full moon energies and the lion's gate portal. Plus we will set our fresh new Galactic New Year intentions, we will weave our words of abundance and gratitude intot he cosmic earth bridge and lastly I will guide you through through the Lunasa Portal to receive new soul codes and guidance for the next travel through the wheel of the year.
A recording will be sent to all that register.
This is a Pay What You Can event (starting at $10 min ticket price)
Lunasa Portal Journey
Pay what you wantSale ended