Roberta Robbins
Roberta Robbins

Time & Location
Feb 08, 2020, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Collingwood, Collingwood, ON, Canada
About the event
Wondering what 2020 has in store for you?
Then you don't what yo miss this workshop!
Spend a day immersed in the flow and energy of 2020 and all it has to teach and offer you.
In this fill one day workshop you will explore the following:
~Your 8 Key Astrological Aspect of your Natal Chat.
~2020 Energy Forecast & Key Theme.
~Your Personal Numerology for Life Path #, Universal Day, Year and Season.
~Connect with your personal Guiding Archetype.
~Wheel of the Year and how to Navigate it's Seasons.
~Moon Wisdom to create a sacred and magical life.
This day will be a full day of deepening into what 2020 holds for your personally and collectively.
You will receive a 2020 Sacred Wisdom Calendar, Monthly Journal and Workbook, Your Natal Chart with your personal 8 Key Astrological Aspects for Soul Traits, Soul Path, Karma, Love, Relationships, Communication, Emotions. Plus highlights of your guiding Numerology for this Soul Journey.
Lunch/drinks/snacks is included.