A Great Unknown Wave....is coming. It ripples through the moments of conscious and subconscious thoughts.
It pulses in the air and through the heart. Glimpses of the shadows striking through the lands. Light breaking through the darkest of days. Whispers and shouts of warning to be ready. It's time to get ready. A war like no other echos in the darkness. It's time to be prepared. Know yourself. Know your allies. Build your communities. Create your maps, make a plan, mark your path. Ready yourself and all you will need to take this journey. Prepare. Plan. Ready yourself for this flight.
Release the fear. Look around and be grateful for what is now. Take the beauty and resilience of your Heart and Soul, to carry into the days yet untold. Remember all the beauty that is here. Remember kindness, love and compassion are priceless and carries the height of gold. You are made for these days. You are made for these times. Be brave open your mind. See with your Soul eyes. See through darkness. Shine a beacon to others to guide a new way. You carry the codes, the grids and wisdom to birth through into the new world. Each one of us is needed. Raise your sword of truth and freedom. Have faith. Take arms. Build skills and support each other. Embrace hope and trust. Lead with a sovereign heart.
I am here. Where are you? Are you ready?
~Roberta Robbins
(Telegram @wisdomweaver / email wisdom@robertarobbins.com / 1 705 446 5533 / back up posts/blogs @ www.robertarobbins.com )
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